Canadian Country Music Week - we look forward to it every year! It's the chance to reunite with friends from across the country, hear tons of great music, and celebrate the amazing accomplishments within our Canadian country music family! London, Ontario hosted the CCMAs this year, and they did not disappoint. We were blown away by the amazing volunteers, local businesses and general excitement throughout the city for the country music takeover.
We were honoured to be in the nominee list, with Julie nominated for Fiddle Player of the Year! We always love a good excuse to get gussied up in gowns and heels, and it was extra special celebrating with so many of our country music friends on Gala Awards night. All of us ladies wearing dresses and sharing hair products and perfumes - it took us back to the days of middle school, getting ready for school dances with all of our friends. More body glitter anyone? :)

We were so excited to present "Rise & Shine - A Morning of Music with Ladies of Canadian Country" for the second year in a row! This year's show was created in partnership with the wonderful team at Country 107.3 and the Delta London Armouries. Special thanks to Anya Wilson Promotion & Publicity for their incredible promo and Lucid Intent for streaming the event live for all of our friends across the country. If you didn't get a chance to see the show live, you can still watch the stream archive by clicking here!

We had so much fun sharing the stage with four of our favourite gals - Alee, Genevieve Fisher, Raquel Cole and Nicole Rayy! It was also a blast hanging out with our hosts, Craig Fox and Randy Owen from Country 107.3 - we joked that we would bring them high heels and wigs so that they would fit in with the girls, but we let them off of the hook! All of the performers were fantastic, the Delta was an amazing venue, and we had a great morning sharing music, girl talk and more than a few cups of coffee!

After an amazing week of performances, radio interviews, event hosting and of course some two-stepping (fun times at the Ole party!), we left London feeling blessed to be a part of such an amazing country music community. Thanks to everyone who came out to our shows, voted for us in the awards and celebrated Canadian country music by streaming Rise & Shine and watching the awards show! Special thanks to BX93 for having us on their Country Music Headquarters stage and Diamonds in the Rough for inviting us to host their Friday night show! It was such a treat to be a part of so many amazing shows during CCMA week, and we can't wait to see you all again in Saskatoon next year!
XOXO Twin Kennedy

Rise & Shine poster design: Bronwin Parks, Feisty Creative